Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pets :(

Meet the Most Spoiled Dog in the World
It has to be done! As sad as it is, I have to leave my sweet puppy behind. This girl is practically my daughter. If I ever have a little girl, I want her to have this dog's personality. She is affectionate and will lay in your arms half asleep with a paw on your hand. I'm going to miss her loads :(

I know some other Disney Interns (DI) have considered getting apartments outside of the program just to bring these pets. Well I say to those DI's that I envy you. My girl would bark and cry when I got home. She would want to sleep in everyone's bed. And she would definitely want me home for most of the internship.

Know that I empathize to all the DI's out there leaving a best friend behind.