Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Interview

(Btw-mass posts just work better sometimes lol)

So if you've read the blogs up to this point, then you know that I had my little mishap. BUT got the interviewer I had last time. She was great. Super happy and helpful. My dearest apologies and hopes to those of you who end up getting the rare grumpy interviewer.

During the interview you can expect to be asked:

-What are your top three choices for a job at Disneyland?
-Why do you want to work at Disneyland?
-Do you have any concerns about the living conditions?

My answers:

-Food/Beverage, Merchandise, and Attractions.
-Because of the name. Dropping Disney's name and my acceptance email landed me my first job!
-(This had her in stitches) "I don't care about leaving home. I don't care about the rent. All I care about is that I don't get a bunk bed!!!" She replied that she had never had anyone be only concerned about a bunk bed, but sympathized. So in my notes it says that I do not want a bunk bed and if placed with one, I can ask for them to replace it with a real bed or find me a room where I wouldn't have to have one. Awesome right?!

Be real. Be friendly. Be that slightly demented Disney Happy.

Be Yourself.

<3 Good luck! 


  1. how long did it take you to hear back ive been waiting since jan

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oops! I mean, check out The Application Process blog! About 3 weeks and a day or so. Hope it helps :)
