Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Car or no Car?


I've been back and forth with this decision for what seems like forever. My car is a 2001 Oldsmobile with about 168,000 miles on it. It runs well and is in pretty good shape. I'd probably want to put some money into the "Fonz" before I go.

I'm going to be doing the program (6 minutes from the apartments), going to school (15 minutes from the apartments), and regularly going out/buying groceries (5 minutes from the apartments). Nothing is ridiculously far away. I can always take a bus with the free bus-pass that Disney provides. But scheduling around buses is an absolute nightmare.

Disney will also pay you to do anything but drive yourself around alone. Bike, pogostick, walk, whatever! And don't forget carpool. I don't mind carpooling whatsoever. And I plan on getting a nice cruiser bike eventually. But do I dare leave "Fonzy" at home?!

This is the dilemma:
Convenience of a car. BUT if something happens to my car because of it's age/mileage/carstuff then it would be a relic in some parking lot. And gas might get to be a paycheck parasite as well.

What do you guys think?   


  1. I'd bring it. I spent most of last year taking the city bus to get to my college and it wasn't fun. Then again I was walking in the snow to get to the bus stop so taking the bus might not be as much as a problem there.

  2. i would def bring it and use it as need be

  3. im trying to find someone on the east coast that has done this program before to see what they decided to do with there cars because CA is a Very long Drive from MD
