Saturday, July 23, 2011

Disney College

Link for Registration:

The Courses:

Marketing U- Learn how to present yourself. Create a resume, learn how to interview, and master networking.

Corporate Analysis- Study the Disney Company from inside out

Blended Learning- Supposedly one of the funner classes. Outdoor and onsite activities.

Leadership Speaker Series- Hear from senior leaders and employees for Disney. Lots of insight.


Super easy! I fill silly even writing a blog on it. If you have a last name, an email address, and know when you're starting then you're in. You can only pick one class online. You can get more when you move in. It will let you know the specific dates of when you can add more classes. Some of the courses allow college credit. You have to check with your specific college for that information, however.

Otherwise, read the class descriptions and print the syllabus of the one you pick. Pick your back ups if you plan on adding more when you get there. :)

I chose:

Blended learning. Tuesday.
and then I plan on adding....
Corporate Analysis. Monday.

Hope this helps! Have a magical day! 

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