Saturday, July 23, 2011

Disney College

Link for Registration:

The Courses:

Marketing U- Learn how to present yourself. Create a resume, learn how to interview, and master networking.

Corporate Analysis- Study the Disney Company from inside out

Blended Learning- Supposedly one of the funner classes. Outdoor and onsite activities.

Leadership Speaker Series- Hear from senior leaders and employees for Disney. Lots of insight.


Super easy! I fill silly even writing a blog on it. If you have a last name, an email address, and know when you're starting then you're in. You can only pick one class online. You can get more when you move in. It will let you know the specific dates of when you can add more classes. Some of the courses allow college credit. You have to check with your specific college for that information, however.

Otherwise, read the class descriptions and print the syllabus of the one you pick. Pick your back ups if you plan on adding more when you get there. :)

I chose:

Blended learning. Tuesday.
and then I plan on adding....
Corporate Analysis. Monday.

Hope this helps! Have a magical day! 

Should I Bring A TV?

I say no. 

1. You can win a TV in a raffle when you get there.

2. It's easier to buy a tv after you move than to bring one. 
-Or, if you already own one, to have it shipped to you from home. 

3. We are going to be very very very busy. Most people report that didn't turn their televisions on more than twice during their entire stay.

I'm absolutely bringing movies. But I can watch them at my own time on my laptop without bothering my roommates. If you desperately need television. Or if you are dedicated to watching a show every Tuesday at 6pm, then that is all on you. But as for my vote, I say no. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Magic of Last Minute

Make a list of everything you are keeping to use right now. It's a lot, right?

-Some Clothes
-Some Shoes
-That book you've been trying to finish for over a year now....

I'm keeping one empty box that will be labeled "Last Minute." Everything you needed to survive the few weeks before the move should go in here. Otherwise it should go in a carry on/your purse. I can't pack away my cosmetics until the day before so they'll be at the top of this box. And it is probably best if I don't pack away the GPS before the long drive to SoCal. So be smart, and keep some things last minute.  :) 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Chain :D

Today :D

Sometime in between

March 23rd 

QUICK TRICK: Important Files

Another Quick Tip.

Keep all of your files in one binder. Social Security card, copy of you birth certificate, bank notes, etc.

This should easily fit into your locker. Use a key lock people! Combination locks are easy to break into. This way you don't keep a safe under your bed or run the risk of losing anything in the move. Please remember to be careful with this information. You want your roommates to be your new family, but remember that you could also spend the rest of your life dealing with identity theft if you don't keep it safe.

Be careful :) Keep it organized and safe.

Packing Like A Pro

What You Have

Take out everything that is in the box. Step one would be to make sure that all the items are related in some way. These are all room accessories. Things that can go up after I make the bed and hang up clothes.  

 Start packing and make a list of everything inside. :)

 I suggest putting a piece of lined paper in that section between the box edges. This way you don't tape up your things. Which suuuucks if you get it on clothes or journals. 

 Staple your lists to the outside of the now packed box. Staple all sides and tape down if you need to. 

Tah Dah! Now you're a pro!

My Kind of Organization

You may have realized by now that I am kind of OCD about being organized. This is because I keep myself Very busy. Two semesters ago I had 3 jobs and 17 units and my junior college. I needed a way to hang on! So this is "My Life Binder."

Yep, that's right! I'm taking you inside to the very inner workings of how I get everything done.

A blank piece of paper for lists of what to buy or quick notes. And a post it held all ghetto by two bobby pins xD But whatever works, right? 

Newest edition. A "Walk Away Folder" is sooo nice. The Binder is super bulky. So this works nicely.

I filled with paper for notes or, usually, an itinerary of my day. And the other side is for materials that I need for the day. Example here: phone numbers and a receipt to pick up the first season of The Big Bang Theory at Walmart. ^.^

I keep cards for birthdays so I don't lose them. I don't keep a year's worth or anything lol. Just that month or week's worth. 

I happen to be religious, Catholic to be specific. So I keep a section for a weekly mass. I get mine from :) 

Usually says "Monthly or My Month." And then I have all the weeks behind each month. But because it was the summer and I didn't need to have each week planned out. Especially since I decided on no summer courses before I leave. So yeah, this just says summer. But Before I leave it will be My Month and then the weeks behind each month.  

My Goal Chart. 
This is the best thing ever. The first column is 1-31. The circled days are days that I get paid. The important ones lol The labels at the top are goals. For each day that I complete one of these goals, whether it be running, writing, doing yoga, whatever I mark the box. You can visually see where you lagging behind in the things you want to accomplish :) Very nice for a visual person. 

:) :) :) :) :)

Cornell Note Paper left over from high school. Whatevs, regular paper works fine. 

No longer taking college classes during the internship. But this is where I'd put that stuff. Unless they require more space. Usually they don't, but if the teacher loves paper work or an individual binder, then go on and conform lol 

Sections for le school stuffs. 

I stayed in town a lot. Between classes or work, I had some time to kill...sometimes. 

SOOO I put menus, deals, phone numbers, and a small calendar of events of the town I was in most. 

This section also has tabs for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Desserts, and Snacks

Root Beer Waffles, need to try these :) I get my recipes from and other places I plan on shopping. 

I don't think I'm going to keep coupons here. I have a special coupon binder. But I don't know if I really need a separate binder yet. If I don't, then I'll move them here. Otherwise I just keep GROUPONS and Notes. 

Just a divider. Doesn't serve a purpose, really xD 

Where the magic happens! I had 3 blogs, hence the post its. 

The End. I highly encourage you all to try making your own Life Binder. :) It helps. 

QUICK TRICK: Easiest Way to Shop...EVER

So you plan on buying things once you get down there? Yeah, so does everyone else. But what to get? Are you sure you know everything that you aren't bringing? Are you positive you aren't going to buy something you packed? Maybe you aren't sure that you've packed everything in the first place!!

Quick trick.

These are pictures from my phone. I went through a Wal-Mart while waiting on some friends. This took maybe half an hour or more. Start at one end of the store and go through every single aisle. If you see anything and everything you could ever think to need- TAKE A PICTURE OF IT. But remember to include the price! Use this as your checklist. Delete each picture as you pack it or find an equivalent to. Anything left over, is what you need. Some things will need to be bought Communally. Meaning, you aren't going to buy your own Windex. So remember to save the pictures for when you sit down with your roommates to make your "What WE need to buy" list. :) 

Have a Magical Day!  

Organizing Clothing aka "The Purge"

This is your chance ladies! Time to empty out that closet :) You're going to start seeing what you wear the most. If you wouldn't wear it in the next 6 months, why do you still have it? (Excluding out of season items.)

Steps to concise closet:

1. Try on EVERYTHING! 
          This is going to take an entire afternoon. Be devoted and excited before beginning. Try on every tank top, every bra, and every pair of jeans.

Here are two pairs of jeans that did not fit me. They were too long. I pinned a post it with the amount I should have tailored. If I don't have them fixed before I leave, then they didn't mean that much to me, and I'm selling them or giving them away ASAP. 

2. Sort out Everything 
          Here are your categories: Goodwill, Consignment, Fix and Keep
              Goodwill- Give Away
              Consignment- Sell to a consignment store or host a yard sale 
              Fix- Have tailored or sew them yourself 
              Keep- Duh :P 
This is a picture of my two bags. One is for Goodwill and the other is for Plato's Closet, a local consignment store. Remember, if you aren't sure about what you want to do, just keep them in the bags and store them in your closet until you arrive. I've recently come to the conclusion that I want to keep the bags so that if (hopefully) lose any weight during the internship I can go back and try these on. :) 

3. Divide and Conquer! 
         Divide your closet into two. On one side, put everything you love and adore and plan to take with you. And on the other side, put everything you aren't sure about. For the next month, try very very very very hard to only take things from the 2nd side. If you don't wear it, don't take it. But you loved it enough to keep it this long, so maybe leave it hanging until you come back. There are different reasons for keeping different articles of clothing. Don't let me be the dictator here. They're your clothes! 

I was able to get my "adore and love" section down to 2 feet!! You may be sharing your closet with up to 3 other people. You need to consider how much space you can demand. This 2 foot section is just what I absolute want to take and want to be hung up. Of course I have sweats and jeans and such that will need drawers. But now I can get a cheep plastic set of drawers to put under my clothes and not have to worry about space. This 2 foot section includes: Spaghetti straps, Tanks, T-shirts, 3/4 sleeves, long sleeves, dresses and formal dress clothing for our classes and outings. 

Good Luck Everyone!