Friday, October 14, 2011

August 15

Day 2

Some of the blogs/videos I had encountered before coming down here said that Monday would be the day to relax, move in, buy groceries. Well, it's true if you have a car. I did not end up bringing my baby down, so Monday is more of a move in, run around frantically, say goodbye to your family if you get the time day. There is a 2:30 meeting (may change) in the courtyard this day. It is a brief, "please don't destroy the place" speech with a great welcome.

For me, this day was very busy. That morning I ran around to have breakfast with my boyfriend's family so that mine could meet them before going back up north. Then we bolted back for this mandatory meeting. Afterwards, it was all cleaning and meeting until the party at 5pm.

The party is awesome! Free pizza, lots of people, a photobooth and prizes. If you aren't a dancer than you will probably be a bit bored. But if you don't mind having fun and shaking your tail feathers, you'll be just fine. 

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