Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Club 33!

This is NOT a College Program event. I was so lucky as to get the hook up from a family friend =]


So the place was everything I could have dreamed it to be. Everything was just perfect. I will make a video collage of pictures if I get a request to do so. Otherwise I can put them on a separate page of this blog altogether or just leave it to you to add me on facebook to see the pictures.

If you have the means, please go. It is a wonderful experience =] 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Blended Learning

Class began today :)

This day was filled with "get to know you" tasks and time fillers. It is a fun class, there is just a lot of down time and small tasks that aren't completely necessary. I'm excited though. After a few weeks of classes, things get going.

The class entails a couple of tasks. A short essay, a project, and I believe another bit of writing on networking. 

September 26: Cross Training

I'm trained in TWO lands!

I was trained this day in Village Haus. I can't say much about my trainer here. We didn't do too much, and it continued into the next day of training. Pretty sure they were hung over, and all we really needed to know was the new menu. I'm glad I picked a field that I already had experience in, because it was easy to just pick up the few differences and move on. Anyway, I like the new places and enjoy getting out of my Toon Town costume every now and again. 

September 16-20

I took some time off in addition to the days I already had off and headed back up north for my sister's baby shower! It was wonderful to go back home and see everyone. I didn't put my dog down unless I absolutely had to and brought all the toys for my sister's soon to come little girl. It was a wonderful few days off :) 


Getting things fixed in the apartment is advertised as an easy task. It takes "three days" after putting in your request to have something fixed, to get it taken care of. It usually takes around a week or even two. We ended up cleaning the lamp problem and replacing the light bulb ourselves. Recently, we had our refrigerator completely replaced, finally, because the ice machine was broken. Stay on top of what needs to be fixed, and you'll be okay. And continuously take pictures of anything you find wrong with the apartment that wasn't your fault. :) 

September 14th: Inspections!

Inspections started! They happen every 2 weeks on a Wednesday. I have yet to be there during the inspection. But, from what I hear, it isn't as strict as every makes it out to be. Depends on who checks the room really. Everything must be cleaned, microwave must be wiped down, no trash, and there can't be any dishes in the dishwasher. If you pass with No points, you will get a prize :) 

Company D

On September 11th, I visited Company D. It was not as amazing as I thought it'd be. If I had all the money in the world and was a lot more of a Disney Fanatic, then maybe I'd have thought differently. But it did have quite a few great deals. My sister was having a baby shower later on that month, so I spent quite a bit of money on Pook-A-Loo dolls. Very very cute :)

August 17th: On the Job Training

This day we got our costumes and schedule. You should be aware that, excluding this blog, you will not have any clue what you are doing. They basically tell you the day before what you will be doing. It is really frustrating, but eventually the schedules will roll in regularly.

Everybody will have a different experience with their trainers. My trainers let us take extended breaks and answered as many questions as possible. It was quite a lot of fun. You will wear Professional Attire and bring your New Hire Sheet/Cast Member ID

August 16

Day 3

You will arrive at 7:30 and be ready at 8am in the traditions building. TDA. You must be dressed in Business attire and ready for a loooong day. From 8am-3pm your day will be filled with long sits, speeches, a bit of networking, and a brief tour.

It was soooo very hot that day! And the tour was not very fun in a formal outfit, but the lunch afterwards is very nice. If you bring a lunch it must be completely disposable. Brown paper bag.

At the end of the day, you will be greeted by a very special guest with a very special gift :) 

August 15

Day 2

Some of the blogs/videos I had encountered before coming down here said that Monday would be the day to relax, move in, buy groceries. Well, it's true if you have a car. I did not end up bringing my baby down, so Monday is more of a move in, run around frantically, say goodbye to your family if you get the time day. There is a 2:30 meeting (may change) in the courtyard this day. It is a brief, "please don't destroy the place" speech with a great welcome.

For me, this day was very busy. That morning I ran around to have breakfast with my boyfriend's family so that mine could meet them before going back up north. Then we bolted back for this mandatory meeting. Afterwards, it was all cleaning and meeting until the party at 5pm.

The party is awesome! Free pizza, lots of people, a photobooth and prizes. If you aren't a dancer than you will probably be a bit bored. But if you don't mind having fun and shaking your tail feathers, you'll be just fine.