Tuesday, November 29, 2011



Alright, I will be the first to admit that I am not the biggest fan of DCA. I think it is because I am from California, so it doesn't interest me. I usually pop in to ride Tower of Terror and then leave. Well I spent one full visit in DCA. Mainly because I knew I'd kick myself if I ignored it with such an opportunity. I ended up having a blast! Go see ALADDIN! It's like a free Broadway play! I referred every guest who had a park hopper over to that show. Also, go to the Writing Academy. It's like a free souvenir! I spent hours in that place. Ended up drawing 8 or so characters in one visit. I'm going to frame them and put them up in my room, which is themed black, white and green. They're very cute and very fun. I went on a couple rides. Surprisingly, now that I think of it, I never went on any of the water rides. Ever. In either park. Not a fan of being wet. Maybe when I repeat the program I'll dedicate a day to just being wet! Now that that is settled, please pick a day to spend time in DCA. It's a nice park to walk around and explore in. The Muppets Show is really very good.  And while I never got to visit Electronica, I've heard lots of good things about it. And by the time you, reader, get around to doing the program, Carsland will be built! Hope you get the time to take advantage of DCA!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November 22

Today a little girl sat next to me with her family. She kept looking at me. Her father apologized. I says it wasn't a problem because of where I work. We talked a not and it turned out they were from Sacramento. The little girl promised to come see me tomorrow. I decided to give them these cast cards that were being handed out. They had pictures of everything new and coming to one of the parks. The parents were grateful and the little girl got a kick out of them. She left her cup on my table. And this message was facing me :)